Of People and Beliefs
Of People and Beliefs

Of People and Beliefs

1 temporada

The unusual rituals and ways of worship across the globe.

  • Episodios
  • Detalles
The Dogon
The Dogon
27 min
The complex and mysterious world of the animist Dogon people in Western Africa.
The Aghori
The Aghori
25 min
The Aghori are an unorthodox Hindu community in India that are thought to practice necrophagy, or "eating the dead.
The Fula
The Fula
25 min
The unusual religious ceremony, tradition of asking a girl's hand in marriage and initiation ritual of the Fula people in Mali.
The Sikh
The Sikh
26 min
The monotheistic offshoot of Hinduism and its distinct culture in Punjab, India.
26 min
The eerie rituals of voodoo stretching from West Africa to the Caribbean, and the White Widows of India.
From Asia with Farewell
From Asia with Farewell
26 min
A young priest in the Himalayas winning his spurs and the quaint ceremony of valediction in the Philippines.
Rats and Blessings
Rats and Blessings
26 min
The Temple of Rats in Rajasthan, India and the ritual of blessing buildings in Thailand.
Goddesses and Expiation
Goddesses and Expiation
26 min
The little girls worshipped as goddesses in Nepal and a widower's journey of redemption in Thailand.
Candomble and Umbanda
Candomble and Umbanda
26 min
Two African diaspora religions in Brazil based on trance dances and unusual religious rituals.
Harvests and Rituals
Harvests and Rituals
25 min
The harvest ritual of the Tucano of the Amazons in Brazil and the harvest tradition in the Philippines.
Funerals and Weddings
Funerals and Weddings
26 min
The quaint funeral ritual and the bride abduction of the indigenous Bari in the Amazons.
Hunting and Manhood
Hunting and Manhood
25 min
Young men in the Brazilian Amazons hunt crocodiles and piranhas for marriage and go through a painful "ant" ritual for initiation into manhood.
Becoming a Sadhu
Becoming a Sadhu
25 min
The arduous escapology of a criminal from Nepal to India to become a religious ascetic.
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