Modern Tales of the East
serie original detabii
Modern Tales of the East

Modern Tales of the East

1 temporada

Two brothers reunite years later after the death of their father and the revelation of a secret that forces them to make peace with their past.

  • Episodios
  • Detalles
1. Sibling Rivalry
1. Sibling Rivalry
49 min
Two brothers Halil and İbrahim go to Domaniç upon their late father's will and encounter their Uncle Numan and his strange request. As Halil is about to bury him in the village cemetery, İbrahim confronts him.
2. The Cliff
2. The Cliff
47 min
Halil and İbrahim, trapped on a cliff while trying to run away from an old man claiming their father owes him money, are rescued thanks to his very story.
3. Lenguas viperinas
3. Lenguas viperinas
46 min
Halil es mordido por una serpiente en un pueblo donde paran a echar gasolina. Los lugareños le echa la culpa a los hermanos, y se descubre un secreto.
4. Solo bajo una condición
4. Solo bajo una condición
59 min
Los dos hermanos se pierden mientras se alejan de su camión en una gasolinera donde paran para descansar. Un extraño que se cruza con ellos les dice que puede ayudarlos, pero les pide algo a cambio.
5. Blacksmith
5. Blacksmith
53 min
Two brothers find a blacksmith when their truck breaks down, and Halil has to take care of the blacksmith's sick mother. İbrahim discovers the person who shut down their father's association, and ultimately caused his death.
6. Regret
6. Regret
49 min
When the secrets are revealed, the two brothers part ways. Halil falls victim to a swindle while trying to reach Istanbul. Meanwhile, İbrahim's conscience prevails and returns to find his brother.
7. Reckoning
7. Reckoning
48 min
While searching for the place where their father wants to be buried in Urfa, İbrahim stumbles upon his old flame Ece. Knowing the location of their father's grave, Halo Eyüp takes them to a flooded cemetery.
8. Última voluntad
8. Última voluntad
57 min
Justo cuando los hermanos están a punto de renunciar al testamento y enterrar a su padre en un cementerio cualquiera, descubren una verdad inimaginable.
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